The roundtable “Public Policies for the Coastal and Marine Zone – Actors and Current Scenario” aims to present an overview of the current coastal planning in Brazil, detailing, among other topics, the main topics:
- What are the main public policies that exist today related to the Brazilian coastal and marine zone;
- Who are the main actors involved in the elaboration and implementation of these public policies?
- What are the roles of each of these actors and the different functions between sectors and national, state and municipal/territorial levels;
- What is missing to have an efficient coastal planning for our coastal and marine zone?
- National overview – Working Group for Marine Use and Conservation, of the Environmentalist Parliamentary Front of the National Congress.
- Nominated Representative: Adayse Bossolani and Giovanna.
- State overview: Coastal Management of the State of São Paulo.
- Nominated Representative: Marina Balestero
- Municipal overview: Council of the Municipality of Santos.
- Nominated Representative: Councilor Marcos Libório
- Territorial overview: APA Marinha Litoral Centro.
- Nominated Representative: Maria (manager)
Methodology: i) Presentation of the Panel by the Moderation, ii) explanation of the guests and iii) space for questions and discussion.
19h – Time: 10min – Opening and introductory speech – Leandra
19h10 – Time: 15min – National overview – Adayse and Giovanna
19h25 – Time: 15min – State overview – Marina – GERGO SP
19h40 – Time: 15min – Municipal overview – Marcos Libório
19h55 – Time: 15min – Territorial overview – Maria – APA Marinha Litoral Centro
20h10 – Discussion microphone open to the public
20h40 – Time: 15min (speeches up to 3min) – Final remarks from the representatives – All representatives of the roundtable
20h55 – Time: 5min – Closing – Leandra