Surf is Life: Surfing and Ocean Literacy for environmental citizenship

Wednesday, October 12th, 2022

2 — 3 PM (BRT)

Santos Aquarium Square

* If bad weather conditions, a new location will be indicated

Surfing is a sport that goes beyond promoting physical and mental well-being. The practice of surfing can be understood as an ancestral and philosophical culture among its supporters, in which the conservation of nature should be [but is not] intrinsically linked to the behavior and daily practices of surfers.

Maya Gabeira – The power of the sea as inspiration for conservation
Antônio Vasconcelos (Ton) – Surfing as a form of Therapy: Ocean source of life
Paulina Chamorro – Media and Environment
Vinicius Lindoso – COI | UNESCO

Mediation: João Malavolta – CEO Instituto Ecosurf